PR & Media Coverage

You have great news to shout about – let our team of experienced PR specialists generate the media coverage your business deserves.

Isn’t it time to amplify your business profile and build your reputation?

Getting your business in print or online media is a powerful tool for building your reputation, your profile and your credibility – in fact, a news article has a greater impact than paid-for advertising.

We know every business has a great story to tell, so why not ask us to write your press release, liaise with the media on your behalf and seek out these great media opportunities you could be missing out on? We can also help to build your reputation as a leader in your field so that journalists who are seeking opinion from industry experts will have you on speed dial.

We also provide the perfect imagery – whether photography or film – find out more here.

Want to know more about how you can get your business in the media? Contact us here for a no-obligation chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will media coverage help my business grow?

Any business that consistently shares news, opinion and knowledge will build its reputation and credibility organically. You may also find yourself being sought out by journalists when they need an expert to talk to for a feature or news story. All this helps your business to develop a strong competitive advantage over similar organisations that operate under the radar.

What’s involved in securing media coverage for my business?

We work with you to identify the news, key messages and expertise you have within your business and draw up a target media list that you want and SHOULD be seen in. Next, we start to build relationships with the reporters at your target media – this is key to getting your business and expertise known by the people who write about your sector. It’s our job to get you in front of reporters, so we proactively look for opportunities that will enable you to contribute your opinions and knowledge in news and feature articles. We also work with you to create high quality photography and film that supports your news.

Will I have to talk to the media?

If you are the person who is quoted in the press release, it is a great opportunity to speak to a journalist who wants more details about your story. Don’t worry, we will talk to the journalist behind the scenes to set up the interview and make sure you are fully briefed before you speak to them. We can also provide media training, to give you the confidence to be put in front of the media.

Let's Start
Something New

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Book a free no obligation meeting to talk through your business needs.

Telephone: 07789 004 708
